¡Sí, Salvo, y Seguro!

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Dios ha dejado muy claro en su Palabra que la salvación que Él provee, mediante el Señor Jesucristo, está eternamente segura. También, Él quiere que el creyente tenga confianza en esta verdad y viva a luz de ella. 

Este estudio expone lo que los creyentes en Cristo pueden saber con seguridad de su posición actual y de su herencia futura en Cristo. Presenta la base bíblica para creer que la salvación es tan segura como las promesas de Dios, y explica cómo el disfrute de la certeza de la salvación impacta en nuestro caminar diario con Dios.

Unidades: 2
Edición: CL 2017
Páginas: 128
Tamaño: 5.5" x 8.5"
ISBN #: 978-1-59387-144-4

Formato: libro de bolsillo

Caja completa = 128 Full Case = 128


Lección 1 – The Truth of Assurance
Lección 2 – Totally Lost
Lección 3 – Totally Saved
Lección 4 – Eternal Security
Lección 5 – Eternal Security in Romans
Lección 6 – The Joy and Peace of Assurance
Lección 7 – Assurance in 1 John
Lección 8 – Dealing with Doubts
Lección 9 – False Assurance
Lección 10 – Objections and Questions
Lección 11 – Puzzling Passages
Lección 12 – The Loss and Recovery of Assurance

Author info: Ken Fleming has been an enthusiastic and passionate Bible teacher for more than fifty years. His service for Christ has led him to many parts of the globe, including South Africa, where he spent twenty-five years as a missionary among the Zulu people. From 1977 through 2002, Ken taught in the Bible and Missions programs at Emmaus Bible College in Dubuque, Iowa. Today he continues proclaiming the gospel and strengthening the church body through writing and preaching ministries.

Securely Saved and Sure of It!

God has made it very clear in His Word that the salvation He provides through Christ is eternally secure. He also wants the believer to be confident of this fact and to live in light of it.

This study sets out what believers in Christ can know for certain about both their present standing and their future inheritance in Christ. It presents the basis for believing that salvation is as secure as God’s promises, and it explains how the enjoyment of assurance of salvation impacts our daily walk with God.

Books by Ken Fleming: Biblical Principles of Church GrowthExodus: The Formation of a NationGenesis: From Creation to a NationGod's Voice in the StarsHe Humbled HimselfJoshua: The Conquest of CanaanPeter Fleming: A Man of Faith

Courses by Ken Fleming: Discovering Bible StudyDiscovering Christ in the PsalmsEphesiansExodus: The Formation of a NationGenesis: From Creation to a NationGod's Mandate for MissionsJohn the Baptist: Prophet of the HighestJoshua: The Conquest of CanaanJudges: Disobedience, Departure, Discipline, & Deliverance1 Peter2 Peter & JudeSecurely Saved and Sure of It!

Booklets by Ken Fleming: Assurance of SalvationThe Challenge of Change in Assembly Missions

Here's What People Are Saying!

“Doing ECS courses is a great way to know what the truth is. After reading and studying Win the Battle for Your Mind and Securely Saved and Sure of It, I have dedicated my life to Christ as Savior"


"I wrote my mother yesterday telling her that through this study I am now 100% sure of my salvation. I will use all the tools learned from this study to prevent future doubt."

– Paul
