New Testament 2: High School Set

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Every Set includes 2 Courses, 2 corresponding Verse Card packs, Answer Keys, and Answer Sheets.

Learning standard: The student will have gotten a glimpse into what standing for truth in the midst of persecution looks like, and have been challenged in a life of service to one another in the community of the local church.

This set includes two courses, Answer Keys, Answer Sheets, and additional support resources to give you the tools necessary for simplicity in grading, as well as providing helpful feedback to encourage growth and learning for your student.

1 Peter:
When Peter wrote this letter to believers in Asia Minor, persecution was increasing and they were under pressure to deny their faith. Peter’s letter is full of practical instruction on attitudes and behavior to strengthen their faith and witness. The world has always been (and will continue to be) hostile to Jesus Christ and His followers. In light of that, the letter of 1 Peter contains both relevant and needed teaching and encouragement for Christians today.

Philippians, Colossians, Philemon:
This course is a study of Paul's Letters to the saints at Philippi and Colossae and his brief note to Philemon. It explains the general meaning of each letter in a simple and understandable manner.

In the letter to the Philippians, Paul exhorts the believers for their financial support and takes the opportunity to counsel them in humility and unity. This personal and affectionate letter is full of practical exhortations relevant to us today.

In Colossae, the believers were in danger of introducing ideas from outside of Christianity, even to the point of changing their understanding of Jesus Christ and the basis for their salvation. Paul challenges these ideas and presents the complete supremacy and sufficiency of Christ.

The letter to Philemon is a private letter that concerns the return of a slave called Onesimus to Philemon. It illustrates the change in one’s life brought about by salvation in Christ.
