Mark, The Gospel of

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The Gospel of Mark follows Jesus moving from one event to another, submitting to the Father’s will at every turn. We see Him healing the sick, opening the eyes of the blind, forgiving sinners and eating with the outcasts of society. Mark tightly weaves these stories together culminating with the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus’s own life, showing us that Jesus “came not to be served but to serve, and give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). As you work your way through this course, we hope it will challenge you to follow Jesus’s example in how He lived among people --- as a humble Servant.

Edition: AK '19

Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
ISBN #: 978-1-59387-481-0
Format: Paperback

Full case: 88


Lesson 1 – The Servant Begins His Work (Mark 1)
Lesson 2 – Early Opposition (Mark 2, 3)
Lesson 3 – Parables of the Kingdom (Mark4)
Lesson 4 – Miracles of Healing (Mark 5)
Lesson 5 – Only Believe (Mark 6)
Lesson 6 – Belief and 
Unbelief (Mark 7, 8)
Lesson 7 – Two Worlds (Mark 9)
Lesson 8 – High Standards (Mark 10)
Lesson 9 – The Last Week Begins (Mark 11, 12)
Lesson 10 – Signs of Christ's Return (Mark 13)
Lesson 11 – The Betrayal and Trial of Jesus (Mark 14)
Lesson 12 – More than Conqueror (Mark 15,16)
