Judges: Disobedience, Departure, Discipline, & Deliverance - Homeschool Edition

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This edition includes the course, Answer Sheet for the student, and Answer Key for the teacher. Please do not hesitate to contact Emmaus Worldwide if there is anything we can do to assist you in the encouragement and growth of your student!

The book of Judges records the history of the nation of Israel in the Promised Land from the death of Joshua until just prior to the kingdom being established under King Saul. During this period, the nation failed God repeatedly, prompting Him to allow the pagan people in the land and surrounding areas to oppress them. Whenever Israel cried out to God for help, He would graciously raise up leaders to deliver them from their enemies and a time of peace would ensue—until the next time they failed.

The writer of Judges appears to have had a threefold purpose in recording this sad history:

      • To demonstrate the effects of a godless culture on His people.
      • To explain the necessity for God’s judgment on those who compromised His holy standards.
      • To show that God was faithful to His covenant with His chosen people, even though they sinned.
