Old Testament Series 1


Are you reluctant to dig into the Old Testament, fearing its length, history, and complexity? Those fears fade as soon as you open our first course. The authors will project these historical books in full color and make the first half of the Old Testament alive and real to you.


Old Testament Law & History

This course is devoted to the survey of the Law and History sections of the Bible.It covers the book of Genesis through the book of Esther.You will gain an overview of the book of beginnings, the wilderness wanderings of Israel, their entrance into the land of Canaan, and the period of the Judges and Kings.The period after the captivity in Babylonia is also covered.

The author has given many insights that will enable the student to appreciate these rich portions of God's Word.

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Genesis 1-12: In the Beginning

God’s revelation to humanity begins with the book of Genesis, showing us the beginning of history, God’s purposes, and His relationship to mankind. In Genesis, we see God’s original intention and plan for His creation and how humanity chooses a different path of death and destruction. These first chapters of Genesis sets the stage for God’s ultimate plan of restoring humanity and creation back to Himself. As you study this course, catch a new glimpse of God’s love and plan for redemption in our world and your own life.

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Joseph: A Life of Virtue

The life of Joseph is a classic Old Testament illustration of the biblical principle that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28). We can rest assured that God allows the trials of life to teach us things we would not otherwise learn. The believer’s life is a probation, not a picnic. During trials, we need to learn to trust God and keep in mind that God’s overall purpose is to conform us into the image of Christ Jesus, His Son (Rom. 8:29).

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The book of Judges records the history of the nation of Israel in the Promised Land from the death of Joshua until just prior to the kingdom being established under King Saul. During this period, the nation failed God repeatedly, prompting Him to allow the pagan people in the land and surrounding areas to oppress them. Whenever Israel cried out to God for help, He would graciously raise up leaders to deliver them from their enemies and a time of peace would ensue—until the next time they failed.

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Gideon: Mighty Man of Valor

In this study of the man Gideon, we learn much of how God works and who God uses. Gideon, like many of us, was weak in the eyes of this world, but God worked in and through him to deliver God's people. In observing Gideon we can observe ourselves and learn to serve God better.

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The Life and Times of David

In The Life and Times of David, King of Israel, C. H. MacKintosh provides an accurate, historical account of how God brought a harvest of blessing to His people in spite of their evil and folly.

King Saul, the people’s choice, had been weighed in the balance and found wanting. His kingdom would pass to David, a man after God’s own heart, and the result would be glory to God and security to His people.

The lessons throughout this book teach valuable truths applicable for us today. We learn that, even in the darkest times, the Lord will raise up a witness for Himself. Our response to worldly injustice must be one of continued obedience, service, and trust, for it is in these virtues that the Lord is magnified.

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Kings of Israel

This practical study provides a comprehensive history of the kings of Israel as recorded in the books of the Kings and Chronicles. Although these historic accounts differ in presentation and style, they communicate God’s work and ever-present guidance throughout Israel’s history.

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Kings of Judah

The books of the Kings and Chronicles describe the rise and fall of Judah’s kings—some comparatively good and others exceedingly bad. Some kings reigned honorably, while others rejected the Lord and led the nation into idolatry. And although some kings began with righteous intentions, the love of money and other fleshly desires blotted their judgment and led them astray.

By examining the reign of Judah’s kings, we learn important lessons about leadership, obedience, failure, punishment, and blessing. The divine grace demonstrated in God’s relationship with Judah illustrates God’s compassion and love to us all. In each of the detailed studies we learn relevant truths applicable for Christian living today.

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