Edovo FAQ's
Is Edovo present in all institutions?
No, but the list is growing! There are currently 421 institutions across 47 states where inmates have access to Edovo, but that number continues to rise.
Is Edovo present in all institutions?
No, but the list is growing! There are currently 421 institutions across 47 states where inmates have access to Edovo, but that number continues to rise.
How are we able to connect with inmates that have taken an Emmaus course through Edovo?
Emmaus Correspondence School’s classic Emmaus Courses have been used for the last 75 years and are available in over 100 languages. The best way to study through the courses is with the Foundation Series curriculum.
You can become an official Emmaus Connector, partnering with Emmaus Correspondence School. As an Emmaus Connector, you will get a discount and helpful resources when you facilitate systematic Bible study using Emmaus Courses in your local church.
How can we tell the difference between a “regular” enrollment and an Edovo enrollment?
Any inmate that reaches out to us because of Edovo exposure will do so by including “Attention: Mentor” in their letter to us. These will be kept separate from regular enrollments when they are sent to you.
The second branch of Emmaus Worldwide contains a number of books on how to live out God’s Word in practical ways. It also includes resources such as the Truth & Praise hymnals and the Assembly Address Book.
We exist to partner with and be a resource to the local church. The church is God’s inspired design to live out the gospel in community. Please feel free to contact us to learn more and find out how to get involved.
How will we know what courses these students have completed on Edovo?
The inmate will be asked to list for us what courses they have completed.
How are we able to connect with inmates that have taken an Emmaus course through Edovo?
Should we send courses that they have completed on Edovo again as a hard copy?
How can we tell the difference between a “regular” enrollment and an Edovo enrollment?
How will we know what courses these students have completed on Edovo?
If we don’t want to send courses to students that may also have access to on Edovo, are there courses we can send instead?
Should we send courses that they have completed on Edovo again as a hard copy?
What do I do if the state(s) I’m responsible for receives a large number of new enrollments and we don’t have the capacity to handle it?
If we don’t want to send courses to students that may also have access to on Edovo, are there courses we can send instead?
What do I do if the state(s) I’m responsible for receives a large number of new enrollments and we don’t have the capacity to handle it?