Childrens Series

While most children ages 10-12 or older can understand many of the courses, this is a 6 course series just for the younger ones. The topics are the same: Bible teachings, where it all began, etc. It's all about Jesus and an overview of the Bible - all in language aimed at primary school children. It's a secret, but the adults love these courses more than the kids!


Golden Keys

Keys come in all shapes and sizes. In this study course you will discover twelve "keys" which will open "doors" to some of the most important truths you will ever learn. Take them one by one and enter for yourself into God's treasure house of truth, the Bible.

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Remember The Creator

Genesis is the book of beginnings. In Genesis, we read of the creation of the world, the fall of mankind into sin, the promise of a Savior, and the spread of man over the earth. We are introduced to Abraham and follow his family as they live in Canaan and then move to Egypt. Understanding the book of Genesis gives a good basis for understanding the rest of the Bible and God's plan to provide salvation for us from the penalty of sin.

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Tell Me the Story of Jesus

The story of Jesus Christ is a unique one because He is unique. No one else has ever been virgin-born. No one else could ever have paid for the sin of mankind by his death. No one else has risen from the dead, never to die again. No one else will ever reign as King over the whole earth.

This course, which highlights Jesus’ life on earth, will help you see why Jesus deserves your worship, love, praise, and allegiance.

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Things Jesus Said and Did

Jesus . . . the world has never known anyone like Him. He said He was the “Bread of life” and He illustrated it by feeding thousands of people with five small loaves and two fish. He said He was the “Light of the world” and He illustrated it by giving sight to a man blind from birth. He said He was the “Resurrection and the Life” and He illustrated it by raising people to life and by coming back Himself from the grave. Truly, there’s no one like Him in the whole universe.
This course will tell you some of the things Jesus said and did while He lived on earth. He has important things to say and to do for you, as well.

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The Bible Tells Me So

Each of the twelve lessons in this course starts with a Bible verse and then asks and answers questions about the verse and the information it gives. Through this question and answer format, you will learn about the Bible, God, Jesus Christ, sin, and how to be saved. The format is helpful in memorizing the verses used in each lesson.

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A Journey Through The Bible

God has a plan for creation, for men and women, for the nations, for Israel, for the Church, for the lost, for the saved, and for you as well. Discover these plans in this straightforward survey of the Bible.

Starting in Genesis and covering the whole history of His dealings with this world and its people, A Journey Through the Bible traces God’s plans for the ages, the world, and for each of us.

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