Personal Evangelism is designed to help you equip yourself for the greatest of all ministries, that of bringing men and women, boys and girls to Christ. To help you understand the task, many Scripture references are given. Be sure to look them all up in your Bible. In each chapter there are eight verses to memorize. If you are serious about becoming a soul winner, you will not only memorize these verses but many more as well. Another good idea would be to underline these verses in your Bible. You will find scores of verses in the book worth adding to your list of verses to memorize. The more Scripture you have at your fingertips, the more confidence you will have in speaking to men and women about their spiritual needs.
Pages: 112
Size: 6" x 9"
ISBN #: 978-1-59387-220-5
Format: Paperback
Chapter 1 – The Need
Chapter 2 – The Task
Chapter 3 – Requirements
Chapter 4 – More Requirements
Chapter 5 – Hindrances
Chapter 6 – Types of Sinner
Chapter 7 – Methods in General
Chapter 8 – The Right Approach
Chapter 9 – The Careless and the Deceived
Chapter 10 – Dealing with Delusion and "Churchianity"
Chapter 11 – The Objector and the Skeptic
Chapter 12 – More Types to Deal With
Author info: Alfred P. Gibbs (1890-1967) was a man born to preach. Brought up with his twin brother Edwin in South Africa, both boys early came to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Edwin (1890-1968) stayed on in South Africa to pursue a fruitful evangelistic and Bible teaching work. Alfred studied at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and thereafter carried on an itinerant Bible teaching and writing ministry, chiefly in the United States and Canada.
Gibbs published his first book, The Marvelous City of Mansoul in 1926. In all he wrote fourteen books and booklets, including Christian Baptism, The Lord’s Supper, Scriptural Principles of Gathering, and Worship. All his books have intensity like the man who wrote them. He was full of his subject. He also composed poetry and wrote Christian hymns. Gibbs never married, considering himself a eunuch for the kingdom of God. He was a model of the advice he gave, he was a spiritual man and a practical man, and fun to be with besides. For Gibbs, to hold forth the Word of life was a lifetime passion.
Books by Alfred P. Gibbs: A Dreamer & His Dream, Christian Baptism, God's Good News, Personal Evangelism, Preach the Word, The Preacher and His Preaching, The Lord's Supper, Through the Scriptures, Worship: The Christian's Highest Occupation
Booklets by Alfred P. Gibbs: An Introduction to a Study of Church Truth, Child Evangelism, God's Good News