New Testament Priests, Speak Up!

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Encouraging Broader Participation in the Lord’s Supper 

Have you ever wished that more of the men in your assembly would participate in the Lord’s Supper, leading the congregation in spontaneous worship of our Lord Jesus

Well, this book may be of help. Within the context of passing on the same simple and practical guidelines that he used to encourage and equip some of the men in his home assembly, Mike Stephenson emphasizes the privilege men have in carrying out this particular aspect of New Testament priesthood.

Our Lord is looking for (and deserves!) our heartfelt love, adoration, and gratitude. It is the author’s firm conviction that any believing man who truly desires to please the Lord and is willing to express his worship audibly can learn to share in this wonderful time of remembrance and worship of our God and Savior.

Pages: 80
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
ISBN #: 978-1-59387-229-8
Format: Paperback

Full Case = 132 copies


Part 1 – The Encouragement Program
   Our Lord’s Supper Training Sessions
Part 2 – Biblical Reasons to Participate
   1 – The Primary Objectives of the Lord’s Supper
   2 – The Priesthood of All Believers 
   3 – Insights from 1 Corinthians 14:26-40 
   4 – Worship and the Lord’s Supper 
Part 3 – Practical Concerns
   5 – Why We Often Don’t Share 
   6 – Why or When We Shouldn’t Share  
   7 – What We Should and Shouldn’t Share 
   8 – A Few Words About Delivery  
   9 – How to Follow the Leading of the Holy Spirit
   10 – How Best to Prepare to Participate
Part 4 – Conclusion
Addendum A – So What’s In It for Women?
Addendum B – Session Worksheets

Author info: Mike Stephenson began his spiritual journey while a student at the University of North Carolina, coming to know Christ through the campus ministry of the Navigators. His interest in missions was piqued at an Urbana missions conference. After graduating from college, Mike served with Literature Crusades for two years in South America. Through that experience, he met his wife, Kathy, and he was also introduced to the Brethren assemblies.

After completing additional education back in the USA in Bible, missions, and linguistics (with an emphasis in TESL – teaching English as a second language), Mike and Kathy and their two sons spent the next eight years in the Middle East. There he taught English while they served as tentmaker missionaries, first with Operation Mobilization and then under the auspices of CMML. Mike taught missions at Emmaus Bible College while also developing a minor in TESL for the college’s Intercultural Studies Department. Mike and Kathy moved back to their home assembly of Plymouth Bible Chapel in Plymouth, Minnesota, and actively served the Lord. They then moved back to Iowa. After battling cancer for 17 years, Mike was taken home to glory with his Lord.

Here's What People Are Saying

"I've read it thru twice", "easy to understand", "thankful for the abundant scriptural references to support".

–Christian Believers of Donelson, Donelson, TN

Just finished a great book about a meeting I've attended, but not always appreciated all my life. As I've grown in my faith, my understanding and value of this meeting have increased. New Testament Priests, Speak Up! has given me a refreshed appreciation for the Lord’s Supper and for each believer's role as a priest. Priests don't sacrifice with empty hands but offer back to the Lord what they've been given. May we actively worship in spirit and in truth.

–Laura Messerly Assembly missionary to Peru

“For many years there has been a great need for a book to help encourage men in participation of worship at the Lord’s Supper. Mike Stephenson’s book New Testament Priests, Speak Up! is a wonderful resource in meeting this need. His book is a practical, well researched, and well written, with the right balance of exhortation and encouragement. I highly recommend this book to all who seek to worship the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit and in truth."

–David Dunlap, Land O' Lakes, FL
