Blessings All Mine with 10,000 Besides! (Soft Cover)

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Blessings All Mine with 10,000 Besides! is a collection of daily devotionals that point out specific blessings given to all believers when they trust Christ as Savior. These insightful meditations focus on the person and work of Christ, as well as the inventory of resources He has generously lavished on all believers.

In this book you will discover and understand a multitude of blessing for your enjoyment. You will also be encouraged to employ them for God’s glory and the blessing of others. The life-changing message of the Scriptures brings Christ into proper perspective as your source and center of behavior.

These daily meditations are a must-read for all believers committed to spiritual growth. If you want to challenge and refine your focus on Christ, this book is for you.

Pages: 448
Size: 6" x 9"
ISBN #: 978-1-59387-062-1
Format: Soft Cover 

Author info: Since 1966, Fred and Jenny Kosin have served the Lord in a church-planting ministry. During the past 20 years they have traveled to over 85 countries, “Serving missionaries around the world” and teaching God’s Word to the body of Christ. Fred is a graduate of Emmaus Bible College and author of the book Letters Missionaries Never Write. Fred and Jenny make their home in Darlington, SC, and have three grown sons and nine grandchildren.

Here's What People Are Saying!

"Devotional material that presents an insightful thought for the day is of great value to sincere readers. However, too often devotionals lack depth and practical instruction. In contrast, Fred Kosin’s perceptive resource provides substantial instruction. By focusing on a specific thought or idea from the Word, he presents related truth and helpful teaching. Readers will certainly be blessed and encouraged to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

– Dr. Daniel H. Smith, Chancellor, Emmaus Bible College

“We have been using Blessings All Mine since January of this year and esteem it as one of the two best daily devotional books we have used in our 55 years of marriage.”

– Gordon Wakefield, Missionary, Lima, Peru

“Both my brother and I have read through your devotional book for three years and have been blessed in the time spent. Thank you for making it available to the Lord’s people.”

– Don Hudson, 45 Years in Christian Publishing, Franklin, TX

“This book is not something you read lightly in a hurry, but something that invites deeper study. For me it answers some things I’ve wondered about but never had a satisfactory answer. It gives me some new thoughts I’d never heard before."

– Behring and Lois MacDowell, Veteran Missionaries of 60+ Years, Wheaton, IL

“Since I can’t have Fred exhorting Christ to me in person, this is the best extension of that wonderful gift God has placed in him.”

– Ken Bradley, El Cajon, CA

“If My Utmost for His Highest taught us abandonment to Christ, Blessings All Mine With 10,000 Besides! teaches us to fully appropriate the abundance of Christ."

– K. V. Simon, Mumbai, India

"This volume is characterized as a daily devotional, and it is that, but much more. The background texts are gleaned from twenty four books of the scriptures, yet there is no randomness in its content. A unifying theme runs through the subject matter, blessings that are the gifts of God to all who are ‘in Christ.’ The author, Frederick L. Kosin, draws on his long years of study, serving Christ as a Bible teacher, conference speaker, and missionary, to give sound exegesis to the supporting texts. He sprinkles each devotional with just the right mix of illustrations and metaphors to achieve clarity, without giving the appearance of entertainment.”

– Elbert Smith, Itinerant Bible Teacher, Florence, SC

“Thanks for writing Blessings All Mine. We are reading everyday together and find it great meat for thought with encouraging words. I admire your ability and willing heart to spend the time and concentration in writing these devotionals! We’ll be the better because of your investment."

– Judy Mayer, Christian Counselor, Fort Myers, FL

“What a tremendous blessing this book has been to me! I have been especially blessed to have the chains of legalism fall off and to have realized just how much God, through His Son, has given me that I’ve been leaving untouched."

– Ruthanne Batchelder, Chester, VT

"I am really enjoying your recent book on blessings. I read it each day with my devotions and have been greatly helped and challenged. Thanks for such a fine piece of work.”

–Don Dunkerton, Pastor/Teacher, Kenilworth, NJ

“What a blessing already is mine as I partake of this spiritual food. The book has made me eager to share these blessings with my grandchildren and family."

– Bob and Pauline Hewitt, Mesa, AR

Blessings All Mine with 10,000 Besides! is a monumental work. May it encourage many to appropriate the abundance that is ours in Christ. Too many servants are struggling to serve in their own strength, not realizing the resources made available by the risen and ascended Lord. May these devotionals cause the Lord’s people to lay hold of that which He has purchased at so great a cost."

–Cedric and Gill Gibbs, Veteran Missionary Statesman, Australia

“My wife and I purchased your book Blessings All Mine last fall and use it during our morning reading. So many times it fits with our daily Scripture reading. Today we were reminded of things and possessions. Really it is a serious problem to be occupied with things rather than the things which are eternal. Thank you for these meditations.”

“I have your book titled Blessings All Mine With 10,000 Besides. If you had not written this book, I probably would have never realized the goodness, kindness, and richness of our loving God. Your book which is based on the Bible is well articulated, comprehensive, and imparting of incorruptible truth. I have been reading it for almost 8 years and am appropriating the blessings. This is the only book that I always keep on my study table.”

–Sandeep Gaikwad
