Diploma in Biblical Studies

This diploma is awarded when the student completes 144 units of course study.

You can choose from any courses in the store catalog, but the 144 units of study must include the courses listed below:

Download the Diploma Requirements


When a student successfully completes one of the correspondence courses, that student is entitled to a credit certificate. The courses in this Bible study curriculum are “popular” in nature. This means satisfactory completion of these courses does not entitle the student to monetary or academic benefits. This does not minimize the benefits to be obtained from a consistent and regular study of the Scriptures. Other certificates are available and you can find more information on our web site or by contacting our office in Dubuque.

The price of the course includes the cost of grading. Please consult the latest price list or contact the school for the latest pricing information.

ECS Ministries
P.O. Box 1028
Dubuque, IA 52004-1028

Email: ecsorders@ecsministries.org
Website: www.ecsministries.org
Telephone: (563) 585-2070
Fax: (563) 585-1660

You can choose from any courses in the store catalog, but the 144 units of study must include the following courses:
