Timothy and Titus, The Letters to

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On his second missionary journey Paul found Timothy at Lystra, and because of his commendation by the brethren at Lystra and Iconium, Paul determined to take Timothy along as a member of the missionary party. Timothy became one of Paul’s closest companions, and to him Paul addressed two of his three pastoral letters. Paul gave Timothy the earliest instructions for the orderly arrangement of the local church, the qualities of leaders in the local church, and the need to teach the truth.

Titus accompanied Paul and Barnabas as part of the Antioch delegation to Jerusalem to settle problems that had arisen through legalistic attitudes.After Paul’s’ release from his first Roman imprisonment he and Titus visited Crete and Paul left Titus there to "set in order the things that are lacking and appoint elders in every city."

Units: 2
Edition: AK '14
Pages: 176
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
ISBN #: 978-0-940293-45-8
Format: Paperback

Full Case = 120


I Timothy
    Lesson 1 – Beware of False Teachers (1:1-14)
    Lesson 2 – Concerning Church Life (1:15–2:15)
    Lesson 3 – Leaders in the Church (3:1-16)
    Lesson 4 – A Good Servant of Jesus Christ (4:1-16)
    Lesson 5 – Responsibilities Towards One Another (5:1-25)
    Lesson 6 – Flee—Follow—Fight (6:1-21)
II Timothy
    Lesson 7 – Charge to Timothy (1:1-18)
    Lesson 8 – A Worker Approved by God (2:1-26)
    Lesson 9 – In the Last Days (3:1-17)
    Lesson 10 – Watch! (4:1-22)
    Lesson 11 – Establishing the Church in Crete(1:1-16)
    Lesson 12 – Sound Doctrine and Christian Conduct (2:1–3:15)

Author info: For over sixty years, William MacDonald addressed the key issues of Christianity in clear and simple terms. Leaving a promising business career to serve the Lord Jesus, he traveled worldwide, proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Christ. His more than eighty works are characterized by an economy of words that only comes by a major time investment in God’s Word. Although William MacDonald went to be with the Lord in 2008, his writing ministry continues to instruct and teach thousands of people today.

V. Paul Flint’s writings were the fruit of an extensive preaching and teaching ministry that included 34 years on the faculty of Emmaus Bible College and a regular pulpit ministry. He and his wife, Helen, also had a deep interest in foreign missions which resulted in numerous summers devoted to work with individual missionaries and missionary organizations including Operation Mobilization and Ireland Outreach.

Books by William MacDonald: Christ Loved the ChurchEnjoying the Book of ActsEnjoying the Minor ProphetsEnjoying the PsalmsEnjoying the ProverbsLetters to the ThessaloniansLet Me Introduce You to the BibleOld Testament Digest: Job Through MalachiTrue Discipleship

Courses by William MacDonald: The Bible Tells Me SoBorn to WinChrist Loved the Church1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansDoing Time with JesusEcclesiastes: Is There Meaning to Life?GalatiansGod's Word Is TruthGood New for AllGuide to Christian GrowthJamesJohnLessons for Christian LivingThe Letters of JohnThe Letters to Timothy and TitusThe Lord's Supper and BaptismLukeMatthewMarkPhilippians, Colossians, and PhilemonRevelationRomans – Part 1Romans – Part 2Summary of the Bible What the Bible TeachesWinning Souls the Bible Way

Booklets by William MacDonald: Armageddon Soon?Fundamental, Important, and Non-Essential IssuesGod's Answers to Man's QuestionsThe Grace of GodGrasping for ShadowsSeek Ye FirstThat's a Good QuestionThere's a Way Back to GodThink of Your FutureTo What Should We be Loyal?True Brokenness

Books by Paul V. Flint: Strangers and Pilgrims

Courses by Paul V. Flint: Remember the CreatorThe Letters to Timothy and TitusThings Jesus Said and Did
