Things Jesus Said and Did

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Jesus . . . the world has never known anyone like Him. He said He was the “Bread of life” and He illustrated it by feeding thousands of people with five small loaves and two fish. He said He was the “Light of the world” and He illustrated it by giving sight to a man blind from birth. He said He was the “Resurrection and the Life” and He illustrated it by raising people to life and by coming back Himself from the grave. Truly, there’s no one like Him in the whole universe.
This course will tell you some of the things Jesus said and did while He lived on earth. He has important things to say and to do for you, as well.

Units: 1 

Edition: AK '16
Pages: 36
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
ISBN #: 978-0-940293-31-1
Format: Paperback

Full Case = 188


Lesson 1 – The Cleansing of the Leper
Lesson 2 – The Feeding of the 5,000
Lesson 3 – Walking on the Water
Lesson 4 – Bartimaeus Receives Sight
Lesson 5 – Fishing
Lesson 6 – The Greatest Enemy
Lesson 7 – The Good Samaritan
Lesson 8 – The Prodigal Son
Lesson 9 – The Rich Fool
Lesson 10 – The Rich Man and Lazarus
Lesson 11 – The Friend Who Came at Midnight
Lesson 12 – The Nobleman and His Servants

Author info: V. Paul Flint’s writings were the fruit of an extensive preaching and teaching ministry that included 34 years on the faculty of Emmaus Bible College and a regular pulpit ministry. He and his wife, Helen, also had a deep interest in foreign missions which resulted in numerous summers devoted to work with individual missionaries and missionary organizations including Operation Mobilization and Ireland Outreach.

Books by Paul V. Flint: Strangers and Pilgrims

Courses by Paul V. Flint: Remember the CreatorThe Letters to Timothy and TitusThings Jesus Said and Did
