Everyone has felt the pain of abuse at some point in their lives. We are a fallen and broken people, and in our fallenness we abuse others and ourselves. When any type of abuse takes place, there is a loss that the victim suffers. That loss makes the victim feel unstable.
In many cases, the path of a person’s life will change dramatically because of the abuse he has endured. The victim is often left with a feeling of isolation, separation from God, the world, and others. He may even believe that God has abandoned him, that He is no longer watching over him. But “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry” Psalm 34:15.
In this study course, we will look at several forms of abuse including verbal, physical, and sexual abuse. We will learn about the damage that abuse causes to a person’s body, soul, and spirit. We will also discover through the Lord Jesus Christ how to overcome the damage from abuse. Finally, we will learn how we can become whole again in Him.
Overcoming Abuse will help the reader to know what Jesus has done on our behalf. He covered our shame and made it possible for us to freely come to Him. Through Him, the abuse victim no longer has to live in fear of the horrors that plagued his past. He can take rest in Christ, no longer being a victim or an aggressor.
We can look up from our tragedies and failures to find that God is there—ready to receive us!
Units: 0
Edition: AK' 16
Page: 74
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
ISBN: 978-1-59387-277-9
Format: Paperback
Full Case = 124 copies
Lesson 1 – We All Abuse
Lesson 2 – Man’s Faulty Viewpoints
Lesson 3 – Verbal Abuse
Lesson 4 – Physical Abuse
Lesson 5 – Sexual Abuse
Lesson 6 – Child Sexual Abuse
Lesson 7 – Abusing Self
Lesson 8 – Inner War
Lesson 9 – Losing Hope
Lesson 10 – Restoring Hope
Lesson 11 – Forgiveness through the Power of Christ
Lesson 12 – A New Creation in Christ