Basic Doctrines of the Christian Faith

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This booklet will be of value not only to teachers and personal workers, but also to new Christians to help them in exploring the Word of God, becoming acquainted with the wonders and joys of belonging to Christ, and being part of the church.

The reader is directed into the Bible where answers to many questions about the doctrines and teachings of the Christian Faith will be found.

Pages: 48
Size: 5" x 7"
ISBN #: 978-1-59387-221-2
Format: Paperback

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Author's Preface A Statement of Faith
1 – What does it mean that the Bible is “inspired”?
2 – Who comprises the Jews, the Gentiles, and the church of God?
3 – What is man’s relationship to God by natural birth?
4 – How can man become acceptable to God?
5 – What is the new birth?
6 – How can a person be sure he is born again and that his sins are forgiven?
7 – Who is the Holy Spirit?
8 – What is eternal security?
9 – What is the church, and how does a person become a member?
10 – What is the “body,” the “bride,” and the “building”?
11 – Why is each assembly, or local church, autonomous (not responsible to an earthly head or board)?
12 – Why do the assemblies use no denominational name?
13 – Why should there be no specially designated pastor or head of a local assembly?
14 – Who are elders (bishops) and deacons? What is their work?
15 – Why do we not take an offering at our meetings where non-Christians may be present?
16 – Who is the Center of our gathering?
17 – Who should be baptized? When should it be done, how, and why?
18 – Why do we observe the Lord’s Supper? When and how often should we do it?
19 – What is “fellowship”?
20 – What is meant by the “priesthood of all believers”?
21 – Which is the most important meeting, or service, of the assembly?
22 – Who is the Trinity?
23 – Who is the devil?
24 – What and when is “the rapture”?
25 – What and when is the great tribulation?
26 – Is there only one final judgment?
27 – What is Armageddon? Will Christians be there?
28 – What is the millennium?
29 – What is “the eternal state”?
