Walkin' the Walk

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Does it surprise you that the day-to-day life and conduct of a Christian in prison not only has its own set of challenges, but also some very special benefits?

The teaching, insights, compassion, understanding, and warm encouragement that Lennie Spitale has for the incarcerated in this unique course are based solidly on the Word of God and flow out of his personal experience behind prison walls and his later fulltime ministry to prison inmates after returning to the outside.

Units: 1
Edition: AK '20
Pages: 100
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
ISBN #: 978-1-59387-158-1
Format: Paperback

Full Case = 124 copies


About the Author
Lesson 1 – Christianity in a Fishbowl
Lesson 2 – Escaping the "Air of Negativity"
Lesson 3 – The House of My Master's Relatives
Lesson 4 – Maintaining Unity Among Christians
Lesson 5 – Developing Your Christian Education
Lesson 6 – Serving Others
Lesson 7 – The Biblical view of Authority
Lesson 8 – Can Anything Good Come Out of This?
Lesson 9 – The Importance of Integrity
Lesson 10 – Jesus on the Main Line

Author info: Before becoming a Christian in 1975, Lennie Spitale’s life was dominated by an explosive temper and problems with authority. By the time he was 30, the anger and rebellion had resulted in over 35 different jobs and several incarcerations. Upon release, Lennie continued to drift and get into trouble. But in the spring of 1975, a loving, merciful God broke into his angry, rebellious life and granted him saving faith in Jesus Christ. He quickly began to experience God’s life-changing power. In 1977 he began leading weekly Bible studies at a local jail and visiting the men at their cells. Since then, Lennie has devoted his life to a wide range of prison-related ministries, including being the director of Prison Ministries for Vision New England, a seminar instructor for Prison Fellowship, training chaplains, and authoring several books to help inmates and their families. Lennie and his wife live in the Philadelphia area.

Here's What People Are Saying!

I really enjoyed and benefited from going through this course. Spitale writes well. He is able to catch the emotion and mood of being incarcerated and understands the disabilities these folk bring off the street.

When I first saw the chapters listed I knew this would be a good study. Each one covers issues I myself have considered as I have dealt personally with prisoners. These are issues that are crucial for attaining maturity and balance in the Christian life. The chapters have material that is relevant for those in the free world as well!

Lennie Spitale is stepping onto the ECS scene at a crucial time. He is committed to the spiritual welfare of the prisoner. May this new course make a positive impact for years to come."

– Rodger Turley, Director
Texas Write-Way Prison Ministries


The person who designed this course is very much in tune with prison life. This course is a blessing to me. Praise God!"

– Alfred, TX inmate


Walkin’ the Walk helped me change my character and my way of living to be the man God created me to be! Each lesson helped me grow deeply in Christ’s love as I study and put it into practice daily.

– Khoa, TX inmate


I had to write to say that Walkin’ the Walk is so impressive. The fact that a former incarcerated man wrote the book was touching. The author can directly relate to all the things one has to deal with in the prison environment. Walkin’ the Walk reinforces how important what we do, say, and act shows others how sincere we are about our walk with God. I wish I had this book back when I started in the county because the issues the author writes about are so very true. This book deeply touched me more than I can ever express."

Terry, NJ inmate

“I want to say that Walkin’ the Walk really touched me. It was on point in so many ways! At times while I was reading, I felt like it was God speaking directly to me. These Bible studies are truly a blessing, so encouraging, and I feel so much closer in my spiritual walk with God. Walkin’ the Walk has helped me not only in my spiritual education, but also because it focuses on my journey and the struggles that I face as a Christian in prison. Your commenters always answer me back. It makes it a lot more personal and makes me feel like you really care for your students’ spiritual growth.”

Elizabeth, TX inmate

“I am a 44 year old man serving life without parole. I have been incarcerated 28 years with 24 of those years in isolation where I am now. I come from a truly terrible background. Even my birth circumstances were horrific. My whole life has truly been about survival. I’m alone in the world, no friends, no family, etc. I have often cried out to God, ‘Why was I even born if I was only to suffer every day of this horrible life?’ Over the past year, I have attempted suicide twice. This is my last cry. Is it so wrong for me to cry out for friendship, for love? I realize there is so much need in this evil world and I rank low on the totem pole, but if you could in some way assist me, I’d be grateful. If given a chance, I may surprise!”

Danny, FL inmate

“I respectfully request any Bible correspondence courses you offer. I look forward to deepening my own relationship with Christ, as well as sharing His love and mercy with those around me. PS: a few weeks ago, my cellmate came to church with me for a second time. I am glad to say he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and has signed up for Bible studies with me. I just wanted to share the good news. God is good!”

William, PA inmate
