Matthew, The Gospel of

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In his gospel, Matthew shows that Jesus is the long-expected Messiah of Israel, the only one with a right to the throne of David.

The book does not claim to be a complete biography of Christ’s life on earth. It begins with His genealogy and early years, then jumps to the beginning of His public ministry when He was about thirty. Guided by the Holy Spirit, Matthew selects those aspects of the Savior’s life and ministry which proclaim Him as God’s Anointed One—for that is what the title “Messiah” means.

The book moves toward a climax—the trial, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Jesus. And in that climax, of course, is laid the foundation for man’s salvation. That is why the book is called a “gospel”—not so much because it explains the way by which sinful man may receive eternal salvation, but rather because it describes the sacrificial work of Christ by which our salvation was made possible.

We do not know when Matthew wrote this book, whether it was AD 40 or 70 or at some time in between. And even if we did, this information would not add to our enjoyment of it or benefit from it. We have purposely avoided the so-called “critical problems”—that is, the questions concerning the sources and history of the text. Our purpose is to concentrate on the exposition of the text as it is found in our Bibles.

This course and commentary seeks to stimulate independent study and meditation. Most of all, it is aimed at creating in the reader’s heart an intense longing for the return of the King.

Units: 2 

Edition: AK '22
Pages: 230
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
ISBN #: 978-1-59387-125-3
Format: Paperback

Full Case = 60 copies


Lesson 1 – Matthew 1-2
Lesson 2 – Matthew 3-4
Lesson 3 – Matthew 5
Lesson 4 – Matthew 6-7
Lesson 5 – Matthew 8-9
Lesson 6 – Matthew 10-12
Lesson 7 – Matthew 13-14
Lesson 8 – Matthew 15-17
Lesson 9 – Matthew 18-20
Lesson 10 – Matthew 21-23
Lesson 11 – Matthew 24-25
Lesson 12 – Matthew 26-28

Author info: For over sixty years, William MacDonald addressed the key issues of Christianity in clear and simple terms. Leaving a promising business career to serve the Lord Jesus, he traveled worldwide, proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Christ. His more than eighty works are characterized by an economy of words that only comes bya major time investment in God’s Word. Although William MacDonald went to be with the Lord in 2008, his writing ministry continues to instruct and teach thousands of people today.

Books by William MacDonald: Christ Loved the ChurchEnjoying the Book of ActsEnjoying the Minor ProphetsEnjoying the PsalmsEnjoying the ProverbsLetters to the ThessaloniansLet Me Introduce You to the BibleOld Testament Digest: Job Through MalachiTrue Discipleship

Courses by William MacDonald: The Bible Tells Me SoBorn to WinChrist Loved the Church1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansDoing Time with JesusEcclesiastes: Is There Meaning to Life?GalatiansGod's Word Is TruthGood New for AllGuide to Christian GrowthJamesJohnLessons for Christian LivingThe Letters of JohnThe Letters to Timothy and TitusThe Lord's Supper and BaptismLukeMatthewMarkPhilippians, Colossians, and PhilemonRevelationRomans – Part 1Romans – Part 2Summary of the Bible What the Bible TeachesWinning Souls the Bible Way

Booklets by William MacDonald: Armageddon Soon?Fundamental, Important, and Non-Essential Issues, God's Answers to Man's QuestionsThe Grace of GodGrasping for ShadowsSeek Ye FirstThat's a Good QuestionThere's a Way Back to GodThink of Your FutureTo What Should We be Loyal?True Brokenness
