Emmaus Worldwide Ministry Update International

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Emmaus Worldwide Ministry Update International

Emmaus Bolivia

In the mid-1960s, Wes Steffen, a missionary from Literature Crusades (later renamed International Teams), brought Emmaus courses to Bolivia. Collaborating with British Assembly missionary Bill Cotton in La Paz, they used Emmaus Bible courses for door-to-door evangelism. Purchasing courses, following up with students, and witnessing conversions led to the establishment of the first local church and the growth of Assembly work in La Paz. Over time, the vision expanded to include an in-person Bible school, giving rise to Instituto Bíblico La Paz.

In 2001, Eliseo Zúñiga became the rector of the Instituto, where the Emmaus correspondence ministry has been based. Since 2002, Eliseo has served as the Emmaus National Director. Transitioning from missionary sponsorship to national leadership and financing posed a significant challenge for Bolivia during my 20 years as the International Coordinator. However, the Instituto's recognition and willingness to invest in course purchases and printing in La Paz contributed to its success.

Emmaus remained relatively unchanged in Bolivia for 40 years until 2007 when I introduced the concept of growth through decentralization. Eliseo embraced the vision, promoting it alongside his national conference-speaking ministry, marking the beginning of a new era.

In 2019, Emmaus Worldwide subsidized the first Emmaus Bolivia Promoter’s Conference in Cochabamba. With the Regional Coordinator for South America, Gilberto Vanegas, we provided training and vision casting, which sustained Emmaus Bolivia during the pandemic. Gilberto returned for national conferences in 2021 and 2022, each expanding with new churches and promoters.

This year Emmaus Bolivia held three Regional Conferences in Santa Cruz, Sucre, and La Paz, attracting participants from all nine Bolivian states. Attendees who completed Levels 2 and 3 of Bible coursework, along with more volunteer staffers, were invited. The conferences focused on increasing Emmaus's use as a curriculum in churches, neighborhood groups, and discipleship contexts. The potential for jail ministry was also explored.

Prayers are requested for Eliseo, regional teams, local church promoters, and students. Pray for added students, financial support, and continued enthusiasm for growth.

- International Coordinator, Jim Fleming

Emmaus Bolivia

In the mid-1960s, Wes Steffen, a missionary from Literature Crusades (later renamed International Teams), brought Emmaus courses to Bolivia. Collaborating with British Assembly missionary Bill Cotton in La Paz, they used Emmaus Bible courses for door-to-door evangelism. Purchasing courses, following up with students, and witnessing conversions led to the establishment of the first local church and the growth of Assembly work in La Paz. Over time, the vision expanded to include an in-person Bible school, giving rise to Instituto Bíblico La Paz.

In 2001, Eliseo Zúñiga became the rector of the Instituto, where the Emmaus correspondence ministry has been based. Since 2002, Eliseo has served as the Emmaus National Director. Transitioning from missionary sponsorship to national leadership and financing posed a significant challenge for Bolivia during my 20 years as the International Coordinator. However, the Instituto's recognition and willingness to invest in course purchases and printing in La Paz contributed to its success.

Emmaus remained relatively unchanged in Bolivia for 40 years until 2007 when I introduced the concept of growth through decentralization. Eliseo embraced the vision, promoting it alongside his national conference-speaking ministry, marking the beginning of a new era.

In 2019, Emmaus Worldwide subsidized the first Emmaus Bolivia Promoter’s Conference in Cochabamba. With the Regional Coordinator for South America, Gilberto Vanegas, we provided training and vision casting, which sustained Emmaus Bolivia during the pandemic. Gilberto returned for national conferences in 2021 and 2022, each expanding with new churches and promoters.

This year Emmaus Bolivia held three Regional Conferences in Santa Cruz, Sucre, and La Paz, attracting participants from all nine Bolivian states. Attendees who completed Levels 2 and 3 of Bible coursework, along with more volunteer staffers, were invited. The conferences focused on increasing Emmaus's use as a curriculum in churches, neighborhood groups, and discipleship contexts. The potential for jail ministry was also explored.

Prayers are requested for Eliseo, regional teams, local church promoters, and students. Pray for added students, financial support, and continued enthusiasm for growth.

- Jim Fleming, International Coordinator

Pray for Eliseo, regional teams, local church promoters, and students in Bolivia.

- Jim Fleming

Pray for Eliseo, regional teams, local church promoters, and students in Bolivia.

- Jim Fleming

I absolutely loved using this course with my kids! Maybe one of the most well received studies I’ve  done in my 13 years of homeschooling. I definitely recommend!

- Brandy (homeschool mom from         Kansas City)

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