The Preacher and His Preaching

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There can surely be no question as to the tremendous importance and paramount need for the prayerful preparation and effective presentation of the gospel message. This is a matter of concern, not only to the Church of God in general, but to each Christian in particular.

To each believer comes the unmistakably clear command of his Lord and Master: “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). With the object of aiding young Christians to fulfill this divinely given task, this book has been written.

This book brings A. P. Gibb’s encyclopedic knowledge of preaching within our reach. His seriousness, thoroughness, energy, and urgency are evident throughout this book. As is the case with all of Mr. Gibbs’ books, much material is packed into this book, and each chapter contains a wealth of helpful suggestions. The illustrations of the various types of sermons are especially helpful.

Pages: 416
Size: 6" x 9"
ISBN #: 978-1-59387-124-6
Format: Softcover

Full Case = 28 copies

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Chapter 1 – The Qualifications of the Preacher
Chapter 2 – The Qualifications of the Preacher(Continued)
Chapter 3 – The Qualifications of the Preacher(Continued)
Chapter 4 – The Qualifications of the Preacher(Continued)
Chapter 5 – The Preacher's Call
Chapter 6 – The Necessity for Preaching
Chapter 7 – The Necessity for Preaching (Continued)
Chapter 8 – The Necessity for Preaching (Continued)
Chapter 9  – The Preacher's Support
Chapter 10 – The Perils of the Preacher
Chapter 11 – The Sermon and its Structure: The Definition
Chapter 12 – The Sermon and its Structure: The Text
Chapter 13 – The Sermon and its Structure: The Theme
Chapter 14 – The Sermon and its Structure: The Introduction
Chapter 15 – The Sermon and its Structure: The Discussion
Chapter 16 – The Sermon and its Structure: The Conclusion
Chapter 17 – Modes of Delivery
Chapter 18 – Types of Sermons: The Personal Testimony
Chapter 19 – Types of Sermons: The Expository Sermon
Chapter 20 – Types of Sermons: The Textual Sermon
Chapter 21 – Types of Sermons: The Topical Sermon
Chapter 22 – Types of Sermons: The Historical Incident Sermon
Chapter 23 – Types of Sermons: The Biographical Sermon
Chapter 24 – The Title of the Sermon
Chapter 25 – The Preparation of the Sermon
Chapter 26 – Preparation of the Sermon Outline
Chapter 27 – Preparation of Sermon Illustrations & Outline
Chapter 28 – Gathering the Material: Selecting a Library
Chapter 29 – Gathering the Material: Topically
Chapter 30 – Gathering the Material: Organizing a Library
Chapter 31 – The Delivery of the Sermon
Chapter 32 – The Delivery of the Sermon: Manners
Chapter 33 – The Delivery of the Sermon: Language(Part I)
Chapter 34 – The Delivery of the Sermon: Language(Part II)
Chapter 35 – The Delivery of the Sermon: His Voice
Chapter 36 – The Delivery of the Sermon: The Audience
Chapter 37 – The Delivery of the Sermon: The Theme
Chapter 38 – The Delivery of the Sermon: The Results
Chapter 39 – The Public Reading of the Scriptures
Chapter 40 – Sermon Criticism
Chapter 41 – Public Prayer
The Conclusion
Scripture Index
Topical Index

Author info:
Alfred P. Gibbs (1890-1967) was a man born to preach. At an early age Gibbs came to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. He studied at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and thereafter carried on an itinerant Bible teaching and writing ministry, chiefly in the United States and Canada. Gibbs published his first book, The Marvelous City of Mansoul, in 1926. In all he wrote fourteen books and booklets, including Christian Baptism, The Lord’s Supper, all published by ECS Ministries.

All his books have intensity like the man who wrote them. He was full of his subject. He also composed poetry and wrote Christian hymns. Gibbs never married, considering himself a eunuch for the kingdom of God. He was a model of the advice he gave, a spiritual man, a practical man, and fun to be with besides. For Gibbs, to hold forth the Word of life was a lifetime passion.

Books by Alfred P. Gibbs: Christian Baptism, Personal EvangelismPreach the Word, The Lord's Supper, Worship: The Christian's Highest Occupation

Booklets by Alfred P. Gibbs: Child EvangelismGod's Good News
