The Letters of John

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The letters of John are practical. They can be disturbing, too, for John allows no shades of gray in our lives. With him, things are black or white, right or wrong, true or false, good or bad. "God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all."

We are living in days when, so far as the world is concerned, the prevailing philosophy is that morals are relative and religion should be synthesized. John’s writings blow such fuzzy cobwebs right out of the minds of God’s people.

This study will challenge you to face squarely the absolutes of the Christian faith.

Units: 1
Edition: AK '08
Pages: 61
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
ISBN #: 978-0-940293-05-2
Format: Paperback

Full Case = 184


Lesson 1 – The Christian Fellowship
Lesson 2 – Tests for Fellowship
Lesson 3 – More Tests for Fellowship
Lesson 4 – Still More Tests for Fellowship
Lesson 5 – Further Tests for Fellowship
Lesson 6 – John’s Last Two Letters 

Author info: For over sixty years, William MacDonald addressed the key issues of Christianity in clear and simple terms. Leaving a promising business career to serve the Lord Jesus, he traveled worldwide, proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Christ. His more than eighty works are characterized by an economy of words that only comes by a major time investment in God’s Word. Although William MacDonald went to be with the Lord in 2008, his writing ministry continues to instruct and teach thousands of people today. 
